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Dubelaar CW:
Mineralogy, petrophysical properties and durability
of the Udelfangen sandstone (Muschelsandstein, Lower Muschelkalk, Germany). In: Přikryl R
(ed), Dimension Stone 2004 – New perspectives for a
traditional building material, Taylor and Francis Group, London (UK), pp.
23-28, 2004
Dubelaar CW, Engering S, Van Hees RPJ, Koch R,
Lorenz HG: Lithofacies and petrophysical
properties of Portland Base Bed and Portland Whit Bed limestone as related to
durability. Heron 48(3), 221-229, 2003
Gruijters SHLL,
Maljers D. & Veldkamp JG: 3D
interpolation of grain size distributions in the upper 5 m of the channel bed
of three lower Rhine distributaries. Physics and Chemistry of
the Earth 30, 303-316, 2005
Nijland TG, Dubelaar CW, Van Hees RPJ, Van der Linden TJM: Lithofacies and petrophysical
properties of Portland Base Bed and Portland Whit Bed limestone as related to
durability. Heron 48(3), 179-195, 2003
Van der Meulen MJ, De Lang FD, Maljers D, Dubelaar CW, Westerhoff WE: Grondsoorten en Delfstoffen bij Naam. DWW (Delft)
& TNO (Utrecht), ISBN 90-369-5549-1, 96 pp., 2003
Van der Meulen
MJ, Koopmans TPF, Pietersen HS: Construction
raw materials policy and supply practices in Northwestern Europe. In: Elsen J & Degryse P (eds), Industrial Minerals - Resources, Characteristics and
Applications. Aardkundige
Mededelingen 13, 19-30, 2003
Van der Meulen MJ, De Kleine MPE, Veldkamp JG, Dubelaar CW, Pietersen
HS: Sand obtained
from embedded land surface lowering in the Netherlands. Netherlands
Journal of Geosciences 83(2), 147-151, 2004
Van der Meulen: De Bouwgrondstoffentoets doorgrond.
TNO-rapport NITG 05035-A, 30 pp, 2005
Van der Meulen MJ: Sustainable mineral development: possibilities and
pitfalls illustrated by the rise and fall of Dutch mineral planning guidance. In: Marker
BR, Petterson MG, McEvoy F,
Stephenson, MH (eds), Sustainable Minerals Operations
in the Developing World. Geol Soc Spec Publ 250, 225-232, 2005
Van der Meulen MJ, Van Gessel SF, Veldkamp JG: Aggregate resources in the Netherlands. Netherlands
Journal of Geosciences 84(3), 379-387, 2005
Van der Meulen MJ, Rijnveld M, Gerrits LM, Joziasse J, Van Heijst MWIM, Gruijters
SHLL: Handling sediments
in Dutch river management: the planning stage of the
Maaswerken river widening
project. Journal of Soils and Sediments
6(3), 163-172, 2006
Van der Meulen MJ, Broers JW, Hakstege AL, Pietersen HS, Van Heijst MWIM, Koopmans TPF: Surface mineral
resources. In: Wong TE, Batjes DAJ, De Jager J (eds): Geology of the
Netherlands. Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), Amsterdam,
Netherlands, in press
Van der Meulen, M.J., Maljers, D., Van Gessel, S.F., Gruijters, S.H.L.L. (2007).
Clay resources in the Netherlands. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 86-2, 117-130.
Maljers, D., Stafleu, J., Van der Meulen, M.J., Dambrink, R.M. (2015). Advances in constructing regional
geological voxel models, illustrated by their application in aggregate resource
assessments. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences
94-3, 257-270. De Betonvereniging MineralsUK, British
Geological Survey Brancheorganisatie voor de Groothandel in Bouwgrondstoffen Afdeling Bodem en Grondstoffen van de Dienst Weg- en Waterbouwkunde
van Rijkswaterstaat European Marine Sand and Gravel Group (EMSAGG) CROW, de Stichting Centrum voor Regelgeving en
Onderzoek in de Grond-, Water- en Wegenbouw en de
Verkeerstechniek CUR, de Stichting Civiel- technisch Centrum Uitvoering
Research en Regelgeving European Technology Platform for Sustainable Mineral
Resources EuroGeosurveys, de koepelorganisatie van de
nationale geologische diensten van vijfentwintig Europese landen Nederlandse Vereniging van Industriezand en Grindproducenten Koninklijk verbond van Nederlandse Baksteenfabrikanten Het Koninklijk Nederlands Geologisch en Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap De site van de Nota Ruimte Minerals Information, US Geological Survey Marine Sand and Gravel Information Service (MAGIS)